Why our service is the best

We provide full price quoted in advance, satisfaction guarantee, emergency service available, professional techicians and serving Melbourne and surrounding areas.

Satisfaction Guarantee

We guarantee both our work and the parts we install. We believe we provide the best guarantee you’ll find anywhere.

Emergency service available

Our expert team is always on-hand to help you through every step of the process.


We have the best professional technicians serving Melbourne and surrounding areas.


Leading 98% High Efficiency Options, The Best 12 Year Warranty in Melbourne, Unit Replacement Warranties


Professional, licensed, qualified and highly trained HVAC technicians to fault finding and repairing your H&C system.


Fixed air conditioners have become common in many homes in the Melbourne.

What clients say

Barry Cusack

Barry Cusack

Business Owner

"Payam delivered on aspects of the job. Punctual, realistic pricing, quality installation and pride of workmanship. Highly recommended for diagnostics, repairs and installations."

Mary Mary

Mary Mary

Independent Artist

"Thank goodness we found Payam.He arranged a much cheaper electrician who did exactly what we wanted and the physical installation was tidy and neat. Highly recommended and good prices."

David Sango

David Sango


"A week had only passed from my initial phone call to the installation! Cannot recommend him highly enough, if only all the tradesman were this reliable!

Get in Touch

Please free feel to contact us.

Find us at the office

Woodruff Rd, South Morang VIC 3752

Request a free quote

03 9424 5447
04 1144 7295

Contact Us